[Federated-fs] FedFS Meeting Minutes, 9/11/2008

Dan Lovinger danlo at windows.microsoft.com
Thu Sep 11 14:52:25 PDT 2008

A few minor clarifications.

Microsoft does have an NFSv3 client, which is an optional component (not in the default out-of-the-box install). I believe the context around that part of the discussion was whether we had an NFSv4 client, which we do not at this time. There are a number of third party NFS implementations, of which Hummingbird sprang most easily to mind. I am not aware of where they are on the NFSv4 track.

Protocol switching has been part of Microsoft platforms since circa the late 1980's. Note that since CIFS/SMB is the only protocol which supports DFSN, it's the only source of referrals.

The 8-10 year number was my hazy recollection of NT 4.0 SP2, which was the first vehicle DFSN showed up in. Double checking, Wikipedia mentions that date as 12/14/1996, creeping up on 12 years ago.


-----Original Message-----
From: federated-fs-bounces at sdsc.edu [mailto:federated-fs-bounces at sdsc.edu] On Behalf Of James Lentini
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:54 PM
To: federated-fs at sdsc.edu
Subject: [Federated-fs] FedFS Meeting Minutes, 9/11/2008

FedFS Meeting Minutes, 9/11/2008


Dan Ellard (BBN)
Craig Everhart (NetApp)
Robert Thurlow (Sun)
James Lentini (NetApp)
Dan Lovinger (Microsoft)
Theresa Raj (NetApp)



Microsoft does not have an NFS client (v3,v4,..) at this time. Third party
NFS clients are available from companies such as Hummingbird.


- How does protocol switching work?

On the CIFS client, the list of referral targets is delivered up from the
CIFS client to the I/O subsystem. The I/O subsystem then evaluates the targets
regardless of what protocol the referral arrived on.

This behavior has been a part of Windows for around 8-10 years.


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