[Federated-fs] Conference call today 2pm EST

Ellard, Daniel Daniel.Ellard at netapp.com
Thu Mar 6 09:44:31 PST 2008

A reminder of the federated-fs conference call today at 2pm EST.

Dial-in number: 1-888-765-3653 # 6206056

The planned agenda is light this week:

- Plans for the IETF meeting next Monday: anything anyone wants to bring

- Path discussion (continued): how to bootstrap the namespace, or what
to call things when you're not in the context of the global namespace.

- Prototyping: when do we think we'll be ready for a "federationathon"
(to go along with the usual connectathon/bakeathon events)?  Let's set
some goals, even if they seem distant today.


Daniel Ellard, Ph.D.
Advanced Technology Group, Network Appliance, Inc.

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