[Federated-fs] Notes from the last conf call

Manoj Naik manoj at almaden.ibm.com
Thu Feb 21 16:02:32 PST 2008

Ellard, Daniel wrote:
> 2. In the recent "admin protocol" spec
> (http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ellard-nfsv4-federated-fs-admin-00.txt)
4.1 Basic Definitions
- Can we try to use the same status enum as NFSv4 or overlapping ones? 
It's not a must, but it sure helps. So while we still use FEDFSERR_*, we 
try to reuse NFSv4's numbering scheme.
- typedef opaque FedFsPathName<1024>
  Do we really want it this way? How about NFSv4's pathname4<> or 

4.2 Required Operations seems to have a contradiction:

"There are three operations that servers MUST implement"


"Servers that implement "leaf" nodes in the namespace (i.e., servers
that host filesets that are the target of junctions, but that do not
contain any junctions) are not required to implement any of these


Based on today's discussion, I propose that we change para 6 to read:

"All the components of the path leading up to the junction MUST exist.
The last component may or may not exist. If it exists, it MUST be a 
In all other cases, the operation fails with status FEDFSERR_INVAL".


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