[Federated-fs] new conference call time?

James Lentini jlentini at netapp.com
Wed Aug 13 13:28:12 PDT 2008

On Tue, 12 Aug 2008, James Lentini wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've received a request to hold our weekly call at a different time.
> Since this week is already underway, I think it is too late to adjust 
> this week's schedule. I propose we meet on Thursday at 2:00 PM EST 
> this week and wait until next week to make any adjustments.
> The proposal I've received is to keep the call on Thursday and move it 
> ahead a half hour: 1:30-2:30 PM EST/10:30-11:30 AM PST.
> Would that work? Are there other times on Thursday or Wednesday that 
> would work better?
> james
> --
> James Lentini | NetApp | 781-768-5359 | jlentini at netapp.com

To date, all the responses I've seen indicate that people will be able 
to make the call if we move it to 1:30-2:30 PM EST/10:30-11:30 AM PST 

Given the number of responses, I'm inclined to move tomorrows call to 
this time. Is there anyone who would be unable to make the call at 
this time tomorrow?

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