[Federated-fs] FSN and filesets

Daniel Ellard daniel.ellard at netapp.com
Tue Oct 2 10:41:42 PDT 2007

It's possible that resolution can traverse multiple junctions.  I don't
think this is (necessarily) a problem, as long as we make progress down the

A hazard would be if the admin creates a junction that loops back to one of
its ancestors in the namespace, causing resolution to go into a loop.  (Do
v4 clients recognize when they're going around in a referral look?)  We
currently trust the admins to do the right thing -- should we do something


On 10/2/07 1:23 PM, "Raj, Theresa" <Theresa.Raj at netapp.com> wrote:

> Ok.
> I have a question about FSLs and the pathname that it provides. Is there
> anything that percludes the admin from setting up this pathname such
> that one or more of its component is a junction? If this pathname has
> junction components then I'm afraid that clients will never resolve this
> pathname and could keep ping ponging between fileservers.
> Theresa
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Ellard, Daniel
>>  Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 8:25 AM
>>  To: Raj, Theresa; 'federated-fs at sdsc.edu'
>>  Subject: RE: [Federated-fs] FSN and filesets
>>  If that's the case, then that's something else that does
>>  need to be distinguished!
>>  A junction represents the relationship between a directory
>>  in one fileset (or more generally, a node in the namespace)
>>  and the root of another fileset.  If filesets are the
>>  building blocks, then junctions are the nails, or the glue
>>  (pick your metaphor).
>>  -Dan
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Raj, Theresa
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 11:18 AM
>>> To: Ellard, Daniel; federated-fs at sdsc.edu
>>> Subject: RE: [Federated-fs] FSN and filesets
>>> It seems to me that junction is another term that is being used
>>> interchangeably for a fileset.  Or at least, I haven't made the
>>> distinction between a fileset and a junction.
>>> Theresa
>>>>  -----Original Message-----
>>>>  From: Ellard, Daniel
>>>>  Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 12:34 PM
>>>>  To: federated-fs at sdsc.edu
>>>>  Subject: [Federated-fs] FSN and filesets
>>>>  The current document defines fileset first, and then FSN,
>>> and then
>>>> says that these two terms are used interchangably.
>>>>  I'd like to scrub the document and fix the usage to keep
>>> these terms
>>>> distinguished.  A fileset is the unit of  management and
>>> abstraction
>>>> for data, and a FSN is a name for  a fileset.  It's useful
>>> to be able
>>>> to distinguish between  the thing and the name of the thing.
>>>>  Thoughts?
>>>> -Dan

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