[Federated-fs] revision 2 of the internet draft of the reqts doc

Daniel Ellard daniel.ellard at netapp.com
Sun Jun 24 17:55:16 PDT 2007

Yes, there's a conf call tomorrow, 4pm EST.  The dial-in info is:

888-765-3653 conf id 6206056


On 6/23/07 10:03 PM, "Sanjoy Chatterjee" <sanjoyc at windows.microsoft.com>

> I seem to recall there is a meeting on Monday, June 25 - is that
> correct? What time is the meeting?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: federated-fs-bounces at sdsc.edu
> [mailto:federated-fs-bounces at sdsc.edu] On Behalf Of Daniel Ellard
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 7:14 PM
> To: federated-fs at sdsc.edu
> Subject: [Federated-fs] revision 2 of the internet draft of the reqts
> doc
> Should be up-to-date with all changes discussed at the last conf call (a
> week ago).
> -Dan
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