[Federated-fs] New draft of federated-fs reqts doc

Daniel Ellard ellard at netapp.com
Thu Jun 7 18:30:13 PDT 2007

Attached is the latest version of the federated-fs reqts doc.  This
version is not entered as a ietf-draft because I anticipate another
update next week.  (I didn't get as far in the edits as I'd planned, but
I want to get out this draft far enough in advance of the conf call next
Monday so that people can read it.)

Here is a brief description of the changes, in terms of the minutes from
the last meeting:

- IANA requirements and security considerations moved to the end.

- Security considerations rewritten to follow RFC 3552.

- Some ASCII diagrams added.  There is much room for improvement here.

- RFC 2119 boilerplate amended to note that this is a requirements
draft, so someones when we use the MAY/SHOULD/etc terms these refer to
the system that satisfies the requirements, not the requirements
themselves.  This needs to be checked carefully for possible ambiguities.


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